
2021-05-27 浏览次数:164
2020年12月17日**授权条例(EU)2021/340,对授权条例(EU)2019/2013,(EU)2019/2014, (EU)2019/2015, (EU)2019/2016, (EU)2019/2017和(EU)2019/2018进行了修订,涉及电子显示器、家用洗衣机和家用洗衣机、干衣机、光源、制冷设备、家用洗碗机和具有直销功能的制冷设备的能源标签要求。
1. 新补充修订的能效标签法规指令也被称为“amended Regulations”。
2. 为了消除生产商和市场监督机构对于技术文件中的值及相应的查证公差的困惑,增加了“declared values”概念描述。
Declared Values: 被生产商、进口商或授权代表声明的,计算的或测量的满足法规*5章要求的技术参数,用于成员国权力机构对产品的法规符合性查证。
3. 技术文件的参数应该全面充分,允许市场监督机构核查标签和产品信息资料的宣称值。依据(EU) 2017/1369的要求,宣称值必须强制输入到产品数据库。
4. 光源不能被有效拆出用于测试的产品,整个产品作为光源来测试评估。
1. *二章*三点变化如下:
增加了“including, but not limited to”包含且不限制为的描述,相应更具体说明了此类产品的范围。
(3)“containing product” means a product containing one or more light sources, or separate control gears, or both, including, but not limited to, luminaires that can be taken apart to allow separate verification of the contained light source(s), household appliances containing light source(s), furniture (shelves, mirrors, display cabinets) containing light source(s).
2. *三章被修改如下:
(a) **段 (b)修改如下:符合附录V的要求,对应的产品数据表中的各参数值必须录入到产品数据库的公共部分。英文原文如下:
(b) the values of the parameters included in the product information sheet, as set out in Annex V, are entered into the public part of the product database.
(b) **段(i)修改如下:因经销商的要求,需要提供贴纸标签,尺寸同打印的标签相同。
(i)by way of derogation from Article 11(13)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1369, upon request by dealers and in accordance with Article 4(e), printed labels to rescale products are provided as a sticker, of the same size as the one which already exists.
(c) 1a被增加如下:放入市场的产品,供应商要提供现有的旧标签到2021年8月31日,从2021年9月1日起使用新的产品标签。如果产品在2021年7月1日前没有销售过,在2021年7月1日及2021年8月31日期间的产品,供应商可以使用新的标签,但是供应商必须提醒销售商,在2021年9月1日前不允许在市场上销售此产品。
1a. By way of derogation from Article 11(13)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1369, the supplier shall, when placing a light source on the market, provide it with the existing label until 31 August 2021 and with the rescaled label from 1 September 2021. The supplier may choose to already provide light sources placed on the market during the period from 1 July to 31 August 2021 with the rescaled label, if no light sources belonging to the same model or equivalent models were placed on the market before 1 July 2021. In that case, the dealer shall not offer those light sources for sale before 1 September 2021. The supplier shall notify the dealer concerned of that consequence as soon as possible, including when it includes such light sources in its offers to dealers.
3. *4章(e)被替代如下:销售店的带旧标签的光源产品,在新标签指令生效实施日期后的18个月内,旧标签必须被覆盖,包括打印或附在包装上。在新标准实施日期前,新标签不可以显示。
(e)by way of derogation from Article 11(13) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1369, existing labels on light sources at points of sale are replaced by the rescaled labels in such a way as to cover the existing label, including when printed on or attached to the package, within eighteen months after the date of application of this Regulation, and rescaled labels are not displayed before that date.
法规从2021年9月1日起生效实施;*三章*1点(b)有关产品数据表入数据库的要求从2021年5月1日起生效实施;有关“containing product”的产品文件信息要求从2022年3月1日起生效实施。


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